No, seriously, some of it will go to the next Mother Bear CAL/KAL this winter. My thanks to the donors, gifters, and vendors!
The food:
Red House BBQ
King of Siam
Don Juan's
Village Grill
The vendors: (In no special order)

Lex's Designs (We got Lexicom of the Yowza! podcast to sell her first patterns here. Remember that when she's famous and swamped by crochet-junkie-followers!)

Freckle Face Fibers (Maker of the Official Colorway these past 3 years; Nicole, head designer at top)

Tally's Project Bags & Stitchmarkers (Our own Ferengi!)

Jamie's Metalworks (Yeah, he does a GREAT Will Riker imitation!)

BeeMiceElf (Lovely Laurs with her lovely products! What would we do without her?)

Wolfe Farms (That is their AWESOME prototype new spinning wheel design in the 2nd picture.)

Alpenglow Yarn (Bringing us luxury and American-raised! And the awesome Curlie who taught me about shoes...)

StashyMama's Fiber (why, yes, I DID buy out that big roll of fiber at right...Ann's goodies are always worth it!)

Slipped Stitch Studios (Laura brings the pattern sleeves and magnets that we all crave!)

Ranch of the Oaks ( Bitte, Mette, I want it all! Friendly folk and our most local fiber mill, to boot!)

RedFish Dyeworks/Weavers Outpost (Selling like mad, as always! And Sandy and Elf keep me laughing!)
There will be more! But this posting is getting too long!
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