Eleanor prepares to help with the therapy.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
I am gemmadw on Twitter and Pinterest, DoeWalking on geocaching.com, and DrGemma on Instagram.
I will NOT add you to any of my follower groups currently, due to robo-accounts. Please follow me here. You can contact me through our group on Ravelry or on this blog.
Warm Thanks Dept:
Janne (mystisk) for a lovely ko-fi!
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
Waiting for the yarn to finish the Doocot sweater. I'm so excited!
Waiting for the yarn to finish the Doocot sweater. I'm so excited!
Yule 2020 Socks in Poste Yarns (Simply Socks Co.) "Jollytown, TX": on the second sock!
Ann Budd The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns
My Three Favorite Resources:
Lisa Souza Yarns for great yarn at a great price
Webs for supplies
Mimi's Needlebasket great supplies
Dizzy Blondes:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
Put a Lid On It:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
DBT orientation— distress tolerance, interpersonal skills, mindfulness, and emotional regulation
Fox Hill Kitchens keto bread because on weekends I make bread, brownies, hard-boiled eggs, soup, and iced tea
Ham feast for New Years Day:
Aw Shoot!
30 minutes per day, alas. I am currently focusing on my sleep.
Something I Really Like:
30 minutes per day, alas. I am currently focusing on my sleep.
Something I Really Like:
Adaline Rose Goat Milk soap from Breezy Willow Farm
We have no generator! Beloved Son doesn't make the Midnight party! We had SNOW!
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