Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simple math for Westknit's Daybreak Shawl

While I'm disclosing my math, here is some easy math for the first section of the Daybreak Shawl:

Some simple math for this project: I placed a stitch marker after the 2nd st and before the last 2 stitches of the row to help me remember the increases that always go there. This saves me from getting the wrong stitch count as I progress.

I also placed a row counter as one of the markers next to the central stitch of the row, to help me keep track of how many stitches I have without counting. Here’s how that works:

The repeat is 4 rows long, so, for the small size, you will be doing 9 repeats of these 4 rows to get 133 stitches total to begin Section 2. Also, once you finish the set-up rows for section 1, Row one of the repeat says “k halfway to m, M1R…”

In the first repeat, row 1, when you do the “k halfway to m, M1R…” , you will knit 5 stitches before you make that M1R, then another 5 st to the center marker. In Repeat #2, there will be 8 stitches before that M!R. For every repeat, add 3 stitches to the amount when you are knitting halfway then making one Right.

So: Repeat #:     # of st that are halfway to “m”:

repeat 1= 5 stitches
repeat 2= 8 stitches
repeat 3= 11 stitches
repeat 4= 14 stitches
repeat 5= 17 stitches
repeat 6= 20 stitches
repeat 7= 23 stitches
repeat 8= 26 stitches
repeat 9= 29 stitches

When you’ve finished the 4th row of Repeat 9, you’ll have 133 st on the row. I use the row counter to count the repeat I’m on. When I’m done 9 repeats, I can start Section 2. No counting all those stitches!

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