Hey! The flaming reds and oranges from Dyeing for Color came out as really gorgeous yarn!
What's On My Hook/Needles: I'm still going on the Sideways Hat from Sandi Rossner's pattern. Plying the lovely green felted superwash fiber. All crocheting is on hold, as it is too clumsy right now in the heat.
A Strategy: Anger 101--Radical Acceptance 2--mantras.
Something I Really Like: Shakespeare, of course.
Blather: Self-injuring to stop an obsessed psychiatrist, all in the name of duty...and Fridays.
What a fantastic episode! I loved hearing how passionate you are about Shakespeare! I really had no idea. I'm thinking I will have to rent the films you recommended.
This was a very fun episode! What was the name of the Shakespeare site that you had? Is it still available?
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