Friday, October 24, 2008

Episode Seven

The Miracle of Editing Saves the Day!

What's on My Needles, in which I swear in a ladylike fashion at the Endless Modular Scarf from Hades

A Strategy: Making Lists

Something I Really Like: Starbucks. No, seriously...

Blather: Rock My World at Work! In which I do the Gurly to keep an inmate alive...


jo said...

I knew it! I knew that Starbucks would be the incubator of the next great supervillain: Evil Dr. Gemma!

(peppermint mochas are de-lish!)

Gemma said...

Hmmmm. How sad that you have discerned my secret, evil identity. Now 'll have to kill you...
(Evil Dr Gemma)

jo said...

kill me?

No way!
i wanna be your lackey!