Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Episode 9 is Live!

A Calm Day and a Cheerful Podcast

Promo: Stitch It!

What's On My Needles/Hook: And a good book, while I'm at it--The Sweater Workshop by Jacqueline Fee

A Strategy: Secret Weapons

Something I Really Like: Hand-Knitted Socks (like those on the left!)

Blather: About the New Boss


jo said...

you are always so level-headed. it's refreshing and inspiring.

now when can i see the projects?

Gemma said...

Projects? As soon as I bloomin' get a chance to knit again! And there's always Ravelry...
When do I get to interview you?

jo said...

i don't have as much of a schedule as you do. when is good for you? also i'm waiting for my spindle in the mail. if you want i can bring it and you can photos of the fun.

Nathan said...

Love the socks

wendy K said...

I have just become a fan of Cogknitive! I started with episode 1. Where are episodes 9 and 10?

kandikan said...

I've also just arrived here - and would love episodes 9 and 10.