Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Episode 174: Here, There, and Everywhere


No llamas allowed in! Things just get too dramatic...!

CFR V is now filled--but we are taking a waiting list.
More information here!

Celebrating our listeners who have joined the CogKnitive 25 – , 50 –, and 75 – Bear Clubs for MBP. You can see who they all are right here. Great work!

Have YOU completed 25, 50, or 75 bears for Mother Bear Project? Send me your snail and a link to your Ravelry projects page, and CogKnitive will send you a special wristband to celebrate with you.

Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.

We have a website at http://www.cogknitive.com/. You can find older episodes there.

You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.

I am gemmadw on  Twitter and Pinterest, and DrGemma on Plurk.

What's On My Hooks, Needles, and Spindles:

Not yet finished:
The OHM Shawl by Michelle Miller .
On to the second color!

Margaret Dashwood Shawl--31 repeats and about to begin the decrease rows.


One Row Lace Scarf...set aside for the nonce...

Bears for the Mother Bear Project--my 13 bears in 2013 project is complete!

Dizzy Blondes: 

The second 8 ounces of Shetland wool from RenCon Ranch.

Lovin' on the SPAKAL project from the Knitmore Girls.

Here is the fiber I am spinning on Peregrine the Sidekick:



Use events and friendships to anchor yourself to a positive life.

Put a Lid On It:

Just a bit of rambling...frozen fruit and smoothie recipe:
1. Fruit--frozen is good
2. Liquid--2 cups--milk, iced tea, iced coffee, fruit juice, water
3. Thickener--banana, ice, peanut butter, yogurt etc.
4. Vitamin/power boosts

Aw Shoot!
I am running again! Hey, it's cross-training for archery... There is now a thread on the Ravelry group to discuss your current exercise.

Something I Really Like:

10-person Coleman tent

We WILL have a raffle for Mother Bear to support the mailing costs of the bears from southern CA to MN. Excess money will go entirely to Mother Bear project as a donation.

Here is the yarn (a bit washed out in this photo) from Forbidden Woolery for Lex's shawl for CFR5:

lex yarn

And the shawl (that's Lex modeling!):


And here is the beaded shawl by Brenda Castiel for CFR5:


and its yarn from BeeMiceElf:


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