Here's the newest addition to the family--all 60 adorable pounds of Baron the Newfoundland Dog.
The annual Mother Bear Project CAL/KAL has begun! The CAL/KAl ends when I get to Stitches West on Feb. 25th (I think). Follow the fun here.
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What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
My very latest Simple Scallop Shawl, out of Noro Taiyo sock yarn.

Still in Progress:
My first MBP crocheted bear for 2012!

My extremely well-fitted (so far) Noro Kuryon vest
And the endless Petal Shawlette.
Dizzy Blondes:
I am STILL working on some SW BFL by BeeMiceElf. I neeed to get down to some serious plying with my other finished singles!
Strategy: Let yourself cry when the time is right.
Something I Really Like:
Goldfish crackers
Mother Bear CAL/KAL has officially begun, Stitches West plans Redux, Christmas day in the ER, and Baron the Newfie invades!
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