I finished a pair of warm winter socks! Just in time!
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If you are attending the CogKNITive Fiber Retreat, please remember to bring your unloved object to drop in the raffle prize grab bags.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle: I am finished the Why Shawl. I am also finished one pair of the 2 different pairs of Regia socks. And I have begun my own Bella's Mittens.
Strategy: Use mathematical thought to distract your mind from anxious thinking. And a bit about the differance between being told to manage your anxiety and being told your anxiety is not real.
Something I Really Like: Sudoku
Blather: working on the OHU heats up and farewell to one of the psychiatrists
Look! The new colorway Poppies in Lorna's Laces Shepherds Socks, created especially for our retreat. Preorder from my favorite LYS Unwind:
The new colorway, inspired by Tehachapi in Autumn, from frecklefacefibers for the CogKNITive Fiber Retreat 2009:
She's making it in all sorts of different fibers and in SOCK YARN! Preorder some today--whether or not you're attending.
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