Pack Doggie!
Celebrating our listeners who have joined the CogKnitive 25 – , 50 –, and 75 – Bear Clubs for MBP. You can see who they all are right here. Great work!
Have YOU completed 25, 50, or 75 bears for Mother Bear Project? Send me your snail and a link to your Ravelry projects page, and CogKnitive will send you a special wristband to celebrate with you.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
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STOP THE PRESSES! The ladies at 2KnitLitChicks are running a CAL/KAL for Mother Bear project! OF COURSE YOU CAN USE YOUR BEARS FOR THEIR CONTESTS AS WELL AS MINE! The goal is to get more bears made, not to chase you all around to make your prove something...
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
Still in Progress:
Hitchin' a Ride Shawl in crochet, for the Rav Games:
Holiday Stocking for my twin.
Annies Woolens--great for holiday knitting kits and patterns!
Noro Kuryon vest.well, okay, it is on time-out while I figure out if I want to rip back and make it more fitted.
The endless
Petal Shawlette. Really should be hibernating.... Or ripped out!
Traveling Woman --3rd repeat of Chart A
Pivot Shawl by FickleKnitter (Michelle Miller)
Dizzy Blondes:
BeeMiceElf fiber in SWM in a luscious dark cherry semi-solid. And I finished 4 ounces of the Vineyard colorway.
How to take apart and reassemble a Hitchhiker wheel.
Examples of customized Hitchhikers on Ravelry
Keep calm and diversify: Life--like knitting time--goes in phases. You will have different amounts of time to pursue hobbies at different phases of your life. Work on accepting where you are in your own life and allowing others to be at differnt phases of their lives.
Something I Really Like: That special spot in my home. Like every home I've had, this house has a perfect little spot made just for me to enjoy during my free moments.
Put A Lid On It: A recipe to use up those extra cukes made up for pickling: fresh and VERY ripe tomatoes, chopped; cubed cukes, mint, oil, vinegar. And variations: parsley, catnip, oregano, balsamic vinegar, minced onion, minced garlic, fresh basil, carrot parsley, lemon juice. Mix it, fridge it until VERY cold. A refreshing summer salad.
Fresh baby beets, put in crockpot for 3-4 hours on low, still with stem and root. After time is up, the skins and etc. will slip off. Slice, place in jar of mixed oil and vinegar to pickle. Goes nicely in salads: beets, canned tuna (drained), green beans (fresh or pickled), lettuce, maybe thousand island dressing.
The Bibles:
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
Ball Blue Book Guide
Team Cog-CROCHET-tive, Team Cog-SPIN-tive, and CFR updates.
Buy your pattern(s) for the Mother Bear bear-making class right
Baron and Blankets have now worn their complete and unloaded backpacks for a 2-mile practice hike. We are very proud. Of course, they carry their packs in their own unique and breed-specific ways.