STOP THE PRESSES!! It's Mother Bear Project time again! Check this out! NEW DEADLINE: March 1st!!!
"Attack of the Zombie Bears?" you ask. NO! It's just the first half of this year's crocheted model.
We now have a crocheted-in-the-round pattern available here.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
The list:
All my current projects are now on hold until I finish my two bears for Mother Bear Project.
As you may know, our CogKNITive friend, Susan Dolph, of the Knit-A-Journey podcast, has been ill. So a group of us podcasters, led by the wonderful Dawn of Knit Naturally podcast, are encouraging you all to knit Susan Bears, to be donated in her honor, since we can't send her gifties.
Of course, there ARE prizes for bears in the Susan category, and bears may also include bears donated in honor of her loyal partner, Doug. Prizes include a heap of fiber for spinning, including alpaca roving and a 4-ounce hank of 50/50 merino silk blend in stained glass window colors of blue and reds. For you knitters, we have a collection of luxury yarn skeins all bundled up in a convenient mesh bag (usable for felting!). All were generously donated by Alexis of the podcast Yowza.
We love Alexis!
We also have from Zarzuela Fibers on Etsy an offer to select something from her store. If you've never seen what Zarzuela has to offer, this is your BIG CHANCE! Zarzuela is not only a first-class dyer; she is a long-time friend of CogKNITive.
We also have prizes from our own Limejuicy. I am soooo behind on pix, but try 2 GORGEOUS skeins of handpainted sock yarny goodness. And Straphanging has donated the February Goth Sock Club package--a wonderful, bright, Goth-Valentine type of sock yarn.
Big hug, Zarzuela and Sarah and Nathan!
So here is my "Susan Dolph" Bear so far.
My Doug Dolph Bear is the Zombie Bear pictured above.
Before I started the bears, I did manage to finish the latest incarnation of the Lion Yarns Country Cotton Shawl pattern.
Dizzy Blondes:
More spins:
I am working away on Whippoorwill, my new HitchHiker.
Some samples were thus spun up, so I could get the feel of her. MANY thanks and warm hugs to Chrissy, of the Manic Purl podcast, who provided me with some EXCELLENT spins from Sweet Georgia:
I also finished a looooong single from the samples in the luxurious Phat Fiber Box from January, with the theme "Chinese New Year." All I can say is WOWEE!!!.

I am through slightly under half the mystery long-staple fleece from StashyMama. On AEventid the Lendrum, currently.
A lovely SWmerino was spun on Whippoorwill from It's a Colorful Life on Etsy.
Wheel News:
Bessie (a Great or Walking Wheel): David Paul of The Merlin Tree tells me that he has finished placing a new spindle head on her post. With that, a drive band, and 2 pegs and 2 leather washers, she'll be ready to spin! CANNOT WAIT!
Brid (A very damaged old Saxony): She got the parts I ordered from eastern Europe to replace her damaged mother of all unit. It's time to start the stripping and refinishing on her!
Whippoorwill--My new HitchHiker wheel is doing very well. Squeak in right treadle is mostly resolved with the occasional noise.
Helen: Still working on the refinishing. She's just a gorgeous mahogoney underneath it all. WAAAAAY underneath, alas. She has all but 1 minor piece and a drive band.
Anne: A Castle wheel, very tiny, that is beyond repair for a reasonable cost. I think she may be repurposed and refinished to be a lamp in my office. She was a gift with the purchase of Helen. Patiently waiting to be put to use.
Eve and Adam: Another Great Wheel and its paired Skeiner that followed me home for an unbelievable price. No finish at all--need oiling desperately, then some repairs. Likely to go to Natalie.
Babette: a Czech antique Saxony, so adorable with her orange and brown and green paint job. One drive band and some leather bands away from spinning; treadle already works beautifully, but needs some clean-up. Claimed by Lexicom. Isn't Babette gorgeous?:

Strategy: About Passive-Aggressive People--setting boundaries--not accepting hints and using Broken Record
Something I Really Like: The Greek Heroes
Blather: It's Mother Bear time again! I'll be at Stitches WEST! More news from the job front.