Hey Look!!! It's my new office for private practice!
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CogKNITive Fiber Retreat OFFICIAL DATE: Saturday October 2, 2010! Go check out the main CFR 2010 thread on Ravelry for details. We are on the waitlist, which is at 6 names right now.
My warmest thanks to Susan of KnitAJourney Podcast for the delightful chat and interview, which you can find here. It was a blast for me, Susan--thanks for making me sound so coherent!
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle: The list:
The Daybreak Shawl is done!!!
Ishbel Shawl --I haven't returned to it yet.
The Argante Shawl--Not this month.
The Traveling Woman Shawl--I crashed and started it in my gogeous Squash Blossom SW Merino from Lisa Souza.
Dizzy Blondes:
Zarzuela's Fibers--Stormy Dawn

Lisa Souza Knits--Umbria

Freckle Face Fibers (fiber courtesy of Jasmin of the Knitmores--Thanks!)--Scottish Thistle

Dyeing for Colour--mixed blues pencil rovings

Blue Moon Fiber Arts:--Atomic 6

OMG!!! KnittingBrow and PhotoSteve actually declared September 8 to be "Dr. Gemma Appreciation Day"! I'm not kidding! I had my own day and everything! What a cool 50th birthday present! It's right here. And don't worry--it's never too late to appreciate me (insert smirk).
Strategy: Follow your bliss. Expect delays and detours. But follow your bliss!
Something I Really Like: My new office. A room of one's own, indeed.
Blather: Ch--ch-ch-changes.... I squeal at last on the the rotten team-mates to the Chief Psychologist and his Assistant, I crash brutally, I see lots of doctors, I get a lot of love and support, and I get a private practice. And I study chemistry like a madwoman. Top it all off with an emotional and heartfelt expression of gratitude at getting to turn 50 and have the best listeners out there.