Wednesday, January 22, 2014
182: On the Sierra Pelona
Here is the best summary of where we all were as I recorded this episode. The view is out over Acton, California. And there are my 3 youngest dogs, all bearing water packs.
CFR 6 is coming!
More information here!
Celebrating our listeners who have joined the CogKnitive 25 – , 50 –, and 75 – Bear Clubs for MBP. You can see who they all are right here. Great work!
Have YOU completed 25, 50, or 75 bears for Mother Bear Project? Send me your snail and a link to your Ravelry projects page, and CogKnitive will send you a special wristband to celebrate with you.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
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I am gemmadw on Twitter and Pinterest, DoeWalking on, and DrGemma on Plurk.
What's On My Hooks, Needles, and Spindles:
Not yet finished:
The OHM Shawl by Michelle Miller .
One Row Lace Scarf
Both are languishing as I give in to the sock craving.
I finished my Whacky Socks!
I also finished a new pair: my Evolved Socks:
Michelle Miller's Desert Shawl--originally designed for our CFR5. I can't wait!
The Apple-A-Day Shawl KAL is here! Brenda's shawl for this year is gorgeous!
Yarn from BeeMiceElf. Brenda is the host of the KAL.
Baron is modeling the way the packs need to ride up on the dog's shoulders, so that the weight is not on the weakest part of the dog's back.
Dizzy Blondes:
Would that I might sit down quietly and do my plying marathon... I really DID finish the 24+ ounces of Shetland wool from RenCon Ranch.
Eleanor had a grand old time, wearing her empty packs for the first time and sight-seeing in the mountains.
Maintenance is key to all positive change you make in your life. Pick a plan for change that you can maintain for a lifetime. Accept what you are going to be able to do and what you may not be able to do when developing your health goals.
Blankets amazed me by running easily under her half-loaded packs. She refused to be slowed and ran up and down the steep banks to either side of the trail.
Put a Lid On It:
The weekly drill: my own yogurt, my own canned applesauce, and the refrigerator porridge recipe I've already given you. If you make your own applesauce at home and can it, you probably do not need to add cinnamon or other spices to the mix, as they will already be in the applesauce. And you can make it sugar free.
To make yogurt somewhat more quickly: Scald the milk first. To wit:
Turn on your crock pot to low to heat up.
Put out your starter to warm up a bit.
Pour your milk into a pot and heat to 185F.
Then cool pot in sink of cool water to 105F.
Then, turn off crock pot.
Pour milk into crock pot.
Mix a little bit of the milk with your yogurt starter.
Then add that to the crock pot too.
Unplug pot, wrap in towels, and 8-10 hours later, you have yogurt.
Oh, what a view up here!
Aw Shoot!
On this hike, my calorie burning level was epic. 1500 calories burned and 20K steps+. I am back to running for 36 minutes comfortably.
The Fitbit 2014 Challenge at blog.
Break out of a weight-loss plateau: Stop cheating on your eating, increase your workout for a day with a moderate change, such as adding 2K extra steps, make sure you do NOT add to your eating that day and try to eat very lightly that same day. That always gives me a pretty normal day, but a little extra workout and a little less food. Back to normal the next day. DO NOT DO ANYTHING EXTREME! Just add 2K steps and eat soup for a meal.
Something I Really Like:
Backpacking dogs, geocaching, fitbit, take your choice.
My coordinates: N34 32.176 W118 14.981
Here are my trio with their packs. Eleanor is wearing an empty set of OutwardHound packs, since she is still growing and thus too young to wear loaded packs.
Blankets and Baron are wearing loaded water packs by RuffWear. These are not the newest models, and these sets have been in use since about 2001. I recommend their Palisades Packs, even the new version, which are smaller than the ones you see here.
BTW, water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon. So Baron carried 8.3 pounds plus his pack, while Blankets carried 4.2 pounds plus her pack, and El had only her pack.
Geocaching: I am DoeWalking, if you would like to be geo-pals.
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