This episode will upload May 18, 2024
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
I will NOT add you to any of my follower groups currently, due to robo-accounts. Please follow me here. You can contact me through our group on Ravelry or on this blog.
Warm Thanks :
KarenRS—extraordinary service to the podcast department: wrote to The Woobles and asked for her free tin because she did not get one with her order and they’re sending it! Meanwhile, she has unboxed her Harry Potter kit and reports that her hook is excellent, so that one reviewer’s problem seems to have been an unusual quirk.
The Knitmore Girls—challenging week! Send them love and all the good vibes please.
Cogknitive Fiber Retreat 10 (2024): ALL INFO IS RIGHT
It's the info thread on Ravelry.
We now know that our group knitting pattern and project is going probably to relate to making the lovely across-the -body-bags that Carmen makes. This gives everyone a chance to learn to make the ever-functional Granny Square to use up extra yarn in a fantastic and usable way. Stay tuned for details!
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
Testing how fast I can make one.

In Progress:
Stash toss 2024 (25 in versus 36 out)
Stash tossing…
Crochet block experiments:
Sewed (by machine) the zipper to the liner! Pinned liner into place, ready for hand sewing.
Lakeside cardigan : sewed together shorter rows for the fronts of the shoulders and attached to the long strips for the back.

Vestuary24: finished the back! Working up the front. Purchase the kit
HERE. (Greenlight Bookstore). Pattern is by
Kati Gálusz.Hook is an E, marked as 3.5 mm.
She now has a full body.
Dizzy Blondes:
3rd bobbin (sigh), but no progress
A fuzz ball of Minerva daily continues: 1 per day
Strategy: the Golden Rule and doing the best we can (just like me)
AW shoot!: cycling along at 35 mins/day on my bike/desk ("FitDesk") . About 4 miles per day.
miles since late November. 190 miles
Fluffy Books: docudrama on Netflix about Alexander the Great
Re-reading the BH-C series
Mending pile
Weight loss and fasting: Down 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Off the plateau! Testing glucose and ketosis—REALLY good!
Project G: back on the rails again. But close to finished.
Project Cookbook: internet keto recipes to paper recipe cards continues
Pupdate-- Captain and Queenie--doing fine.
Greenfingers report: waiting for die-off; dianthus and Russian sage and rosemary are back!

Community Resources:
Skills and techniques list :
Hands on Knitting Center’s Thursday Lunch Chat on Zoom with Yours Truly: May 30 at noon in honor of Mental Health Awareness month
Yarnopoly and Second Saturday Stitchers—look them up on Facebook! meet-ups on the 2nd Saturday of each month (usually)
Sit and Stitch group: 9-noon, 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at Joanne Darcy Library in Canyon Country
SCV Free Craft exchange: Find them on Facebook.
CFR10—Courtyard by Marriott, Valencia on Sept 28, 2024.
Information Romjul: Dec 21--Jan 1, 2024-25
And Minerva gets the last word:
Happy Mothers Day where it counts