Friday, December 23, 2011
Episode 118 is live!
From left to right, that's HeyMindy, Loretta1031, Dragonhearth, and Jspraggins under Janice's incredible heirloom crocheted blanket at this year's Holiday Party. Yeah, they do have demon eyes, now that you mention it...
It is almost Mother Bear Project time again! Warm up those hooks and needles; the CAL/KAl begins on January 1, 2012 and ends when I get to Stitches West on Feb. 29th (I think).
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
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You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
The lovely Bandana Shawl I made from my own handspun yarn.
The Candy Cane Shawl (modeled by Straphanging):
And the Afghan for Us, modeled by a wonderful volunteer:
Still in Progress:
I am back to my Noro Kuryon vest
Petal Shawlette. I am knitting this one on train rides every week.
And yet another Simple Scallop Shawl, out of Noro Taiyo sock yarn.
Dizzy Blondes:
I am working on some SW BFL by BeeMiceElf. I neeed to get down to some serious plying with my other finished singles!
Strategy: Fight fire with way.
Something I Really Like:
My new office!
My office, Stitches West plans, Mother Bear CAL/KAL 2012 is starting January 1st, farewell to our own beloved Lexicom as she moves to a new home, and I share my diseases (sigh).
Monday, November 28, 2011
Episode 117 is Live!
Yep! that's me, spinning on a lovelyJjensen, courtesy of Morgaine1 and KnitterCritter from Ravelry at ABC's of Creative Pursuits in Bakersfield, CA
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
Socks for Miss Corrie Hooray for being done with my holiday knitting!
TwinFace's 2011 Holiday Afghan, themed after the Third Doctor of Classic Doctor Who. It is fantastic!
Still in Progress:
The untouched Noro Kuryon vest
Petal Shawlette. I am back onto enjoying this knit!
Dizzy Blondes:
I have plied the 4 ounces of FreckleFaceFibers' SWM in turquoise, purple mix.
Strategy: Manage crazy people. Don't try to reason with them.
Something I Really Like:
Here are my second (bottom) and third efforts.
Short and sweet. Blankets update. Bad microphone. Whine whine whine...!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Episode 116 is Live!
Hey, at CFR, we get the Federation guys on shore leave. I'll bet they can't say THAT about Rhinebeck!
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
4x4 Sweet Artemis Socks, made in SWM from FatCatKnits, colorway is Sweet Tortie. They are a joy to wear! So soft and squishy!
Sweet Tortie Socks for LG--made from the same handspun as the Sweet Artemis socks. I did one top-down and the other toe-up. I am now a top-down knitter by choice!
Still in Progress:
Socks for Miss CorrieThe time has finally knit for the teacher!
The untouched Noro Kuryon vest
TwinFace's 2011 Holiday Afghan, themed after the Third Doctor of Classic Doctor Who. I am so closed to finsihed!!
Petal Shawlette. Still on the needles because I found my xerox of the pattern AND bought a lovely pattern sleeve and magnets from Slipped Stitch Studios to manage it and a fantastic row counter from RKsmom to manage the stitches themselves.
Dizzy Blondes:
There was much frantic fiber purchaing at the CFR2011 booths by Yours Truly. I may not need to go to Stitches....
I finally finished all 4 ounces of FreckleFaceFibers' SWM in turquoise, purple mix. Not plying until I at least finish one knitted or crocheted project for the holidays.
Strategy: Angry does not fix the problem.
Something I Really Like:
Vibram Fivefingers TrekSport Shoes
CFR2012 is in the planning stages. Still finishing the last details of CFR2011. Running in my new shoes, losing my lunch, and generally returning to whatever normal is for us here on Rancho CogKnitive.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Episode 115 is Live! CFR2011 recap Part Two
Here we are, back at the recap of the CogKnitive Fiber Retreat 2011 (CFR2011).
Here are Nathan (Straphanging) and Loretta (Loretta1031) at the registration table, welcoming the attendees, as you heard briefly at the end of the last episode:
Here are our classes for this year:
10 AM--11AM: Navajo Plying--Ann (StashyMomma)
11AM to Noon: Tatting--StephieJo StephieJo)
2 PM-3:30: Build your own hanging loom--Mindy (HeyMindy)
3:30--5PM: Japanese art of ribbon making Kumihimo from Sandy (slkwvr) of RedFish Dye Works
We sent 25 bears and $397 to Mother Bear Project!!
We are so proud and VERY GRATEFUL to all you Bear Makers! Of course, anyone who contributed a bear got a free ticket for every bear to our spectacular raffles for 3 gorgeous and loaded baskets of fibery and jam-n-jelly goodies!
Here are Mindy (HeyMindy) and Jamie (Jamie's Metalworks) working on the loom that Mindy taught us all to make for weaving:
Dinner was at either Don Juan's or King of Siam. Here are some pix from King of Siam (Thai food), where I happened to land that evening. The staff there remembered us from last year and said farewell to us by calling "See you next year!".
Carrie, Eileen, Loree and Ann graced my table and kept me laughing all through the meal.
Mary and Barb never forget that we are all here to KNIT!!
A first- and a second-, and a third-timer all bonding over Thai food:
YES! We ARE having fun!!
And then: the after-dinner gathering to spin, knit, crochet, tat, kumihimo, and to fix antique wheels.
I am pleased to say that I got Alexis' new wheel--circa 1870 from Czechoslavakia--back to spin. here she is, admiring it. the pieces are all labelled to help her with re-assembly once she gets it home:
I was pretty pleased myself and took the moment to pose with my handiwork:
We all sat up until nearly 1 AM on Saturday evening, just enjoying Ann's late harvest cherry wine and Lisa's superb home-brewed mead.
On Sunday morning we finally had to say goodbye--but not until we held what Nathan dubbed "The Steering Committee" meeting at the Village Gril. There a group of oldtimers and one newbie (Allsion 1031 of The Hollywood Knitter Podcast) hammered out the schedule and plans for CFR2012. And here they are, as they stand right now.
Mark your calendars for October 13th and see you there!!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Episode 115 is Live! CFR2011 recap Part One
No, seriously, some of it will go to the next Mother Bear CAL/KAL this winter. My thanks to the donors, gifters, and vendors!
The food:
Red House BBQ
King of Siam
Don Juan's
Village Grill
The vendors: (In no special order)
Lex's Designs (We got Lexicom of the Yowza! podcast to sell her first patterns here. Remember that when she's famous and swamped by crochet-junkie-followers!)
Freckle Face Fibers (Maker of the Official Colorway these past 3 years; Nicole, head designer at top)
Tally's Project Bags & Stitchmarkers (Our own Ferengi!)
Jamie's Metalworks (Yeah, he does a GREAT Will Riker imitation!)
BeeMiceElf (Lovely Laurs with her lovely products! What would we do without her?)
Wolfe Farms (That is their AWESOME prototype new spinning wheel design in the 2nd picture.)
Alpenglow Yarn (Bringing us luxury and American-raised! And the awesome Curlie who taught me about shoes...)
StashyMama's Fiber (why, yes, I DID buy out that big roll of fiber at right...Ann's goodies are always worth it!)
Slipped Stitch Studios (Laura brings the pattern sleeves and magnets that we all crave!)
Ranch of the Oaks ( Bitte, Mette, I want it all! Friendly folk and our most local fiber mill, to boot!)
RedFish Dyeworks/Weavers Outpost (Selling like mad, as always! And Sandy and Elf keep me laughing!)
There will be more! But this posting is getting too long!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Episode 114 is Live!
The first pair of handspun socks are finished! On to some for the BT...
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
Simple Scallops for Twin's birthday! Such a great pattern, as always, and a simply gorgeous yarn--Jojoland meloday SWM.
Mother Bear #11 to celebrate the completuion of my twin's shawl.
4x4 Sweet Artemis Socks, being made in SWM from FatCatKnits, colorway is Sweet Tortie. First sock is finished after the knitting...well...attacked me...
Still in Progress:
TwinFace's 2011 Holiday Afghan, themed after the Third Doctor of Classic Doctor Who. *wheeze*
Petal Shawlette. Heading for the frogpond, I am pretty sure...
Dizzy Blondes:
2 ounces of FreckleFaceFibers' SWM in turquoise, purple mix on the bobbin.I still am not finished this.
Strategy: Never put off until tomorrow what you want to do today.
Something I Really Like:
Kindle Free for All
I celebrate the big 51, get a solo and some lovely new draperies. Whew, the party gets wilder every year!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Episode 113 is Live
The 2011 CogKnitive Fiber Retreat is almost here!!!!! AHHHH! Can I stand the count-down...?
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
Simple Scallops for Twin's birthday! Such a great pattern, as always, and a simply gorgeous yarn--Jojoland meloday SWM.
Mother Bear Project Bear #10. Here is Gary Bear.... This is due for finishing the scarf. He has one of the best faces so far.
Still in Progress:
TwinFace's 2011 Holiday Afghan, themed after the Third Doctor of Classic Doctor Who. *wheeze*
Mother Bear #11 to celebrate the completuion of my twin's shawl.
4x4 Sweet Artemis Socks, being made in SWM from FatCatKnits, colorway is Sweet Tortie. First sock is finished after the knitting...well...attacked me...
Petal Shawlette. But do I like it enough to really finish it?
Dizzy Blondes:
2 ounces of FreckleFaceFibers' SWM in turquoise, purple mix on the bobbin. On the last 2 ounces at last!
Strategy: The worry workbook
Something I Really Like:
Tool for picking up dropped knitted stitches, made by Susan Bates
CFR 2011 news and general information.
We are a Kindle blog. I am generally closing out my association with the prison.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Episode 112 is live
A bit of snow to remind you that these dog-days will pass...
The 2011 CogKnitive Fiber Retreat continues to be open for sign-up for the wiaiting list. The Retreat is scheduled for October 1 (believe me, it will be here before you know it). IF you have signed up for the first attendees list and been accepted (not the wait list), your payment is due!
The wait list is at 8 as I type this, but we seem likely to lose a few people to Vogue Knitting, so do not give up hope!
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle:
Still in Progress:
TwinFace's 2011 Holiday Afghan, themed after the Third Doctor of Classic Doctor Who. *wheeze*
Mother Bear Project Bear #10. They look so pathetic at this early stage.... This is due for finishing the scarf.
4x4 Sweet Tortie Socks, being made in SWM from FatCatKnits, colorway is Sweet Tortie. Very soft and luscious, but too scrambled to look good as anything but a good pair of socks. I can't wait to wear these babies!
Petal Shawlette. But do I like it enough to really finish it?
Dizzy Blondes:
2 ounces of FreckleFaceFibers' SWM in turquoise, purple mix on the bobbin. Thinking about doing last 2 ounces on separate bobbin and double-plying...
Strategy: Women and letting go. Thought-substituting for success.
Something I Really Like:
Running skorts
CFR 2011 news and general information.
The blog can now be read and subscribed to on your Kindle.
I am at Week 9 of Couch-to-5K
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