Go, Team CogSPINtive!!! The Tour de Fleece is well underway!
My latest effort: I plied up the turquoise from Feckle Face Fibers on Etsy! See below...
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CogKNITive Fiber Retreat OFFICIAL DATE: Saturday October 2, 2010! Go check out the main CFR 2010 thread on Ravelry for details. WE HAVE 4 SPACES LEFT!!!
My warmest thanks to Susan of KnitAJourney Podcast for the delightful chat and interview, which you can find here. It was a blast for me, Susan--thanks for making me sound so coherent!
What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle: The list:
The Daybreak Shawl--At last! I'm working it again! And it is one great pattern, let me tell you.
Ishbel Shawl --I'm close to monogamous on this now. well, I plan to be...soon...
Toddler Socks--Done!!! Finished!!! Finito!!
The Argante Shawl--Not this week.
The Mommy Shawl --Done! mailed as I type this!!!
The Morrison Mommy Shawl--Finished, as you can see above, and mailed off to her.
Dizzy Blondes:
My latest effort: I plied up the turquoise from FreckleFaceFibers, one of our excellent vendors at the CFR 2010!
Strategy: Remember people's names and use them properly. This means no nicknames or any other name than the one they want you to use.
Something I Really Like: Philly Cheese Steaks. I mean PHILLY. CHEESE. STEAKS.
Blather: Mr. Sleazy comes to a professional seminar, but Dr. Gemma refreshes her hypnotherapy skills and has an excellent time in Phoenix, AZ. Highest kudos to The Fiber Factory in Mesa, Az.
1 comment:
I was concerned about the story of Mr. O., and I listened to the episode again, but I'm still not sure I understood it. Was this person already a credentialed therapist? How did he get to be a professional? I'm troubled that his behavior was tolerated or merely rebuffed. It reminds me of the Iranian-born psychiatrist who brought a gun onto the Texas military base and shot 13 people. Shouldn't he have gotten a stronger response?
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