Look! New Drop Spindles! MaineWoodsYarns on left and Yorkieslave's on the right. They're in a nest of fiber from YorkieSlave.
A new podcast! Knitlark Lane--another great podcast reading great literature to us!
What's On My Hook/Needles: Nearly done the knitted cowl, not much on anything else--I've gone monogamous. I'm spinning fiber from Dyeing for Colour on a lovely new spindle from Yorkie Slave. I'm also ripping my way through felted green fiber from who-knows-where on a spindle that really belongs to Lexicom from Maine Woods Yarns--a GREAT spindle. And still working at the fabulous Lisa Souza Batt "Elektra".
A Strategy: Anger 101--anger v. sadness and disappointment, and a bit about triggers.
Something I Really Like: Chocolate Shakes from McDonalds--and apologies up-front for singing again .
Blather: Some drama back on Level 2 and more about life on 4.
Speaking of triggers...anything with "slave" in it gives me the Creeps. big. time.
But it is a nice spindle, LOL:)I, too, have succumbed to some spin-curious behavior, but I haven't been able to get the thing to work. I think you actually have to stand up to get a drop spindle to work, LOL!
Still loving your podcast and am encouraged by the fact that you are NOT an LCSW-C or an LGSW or... you get the idea you're NOT a freaking SOCIAL WORKER!!!!!!!
(AHEM...speaking again of triggers!)
Have a good one!
Joan a/k/a FSK
PS my daughter is leaving social work school and going for her MS and then PhD (or PsyD??) in psych.
OK, I'll stop now...
I enjoy the way you make difficult situations understandable. The anger triggers was something I could finally see in myself. I knew some of this but the way you explained it seemed to allow me to go a step further and employing the concept. As you say, hurt or frustration triggers my anger. The one I struggle the most with is ROAD RAGE. The trigger, I guess, are how inconsiderate people act while driving. I do much better with this when I'm not in a hurry. (wink) The podcast is one of my favorites and I try never to miss it. Thanks for all the hard work and for taking the time to chat with all of us about your life.
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