Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Episode 25 is live

What's On My Hook/Needles: The new Sensations Licorice scarf and the yarn fumes of big-box stores

A Strategy: Apologies, part 2--When the recipient won't accept the apology

Something I Really Like: "Dog" is "God" spelled backwards...And that's my dog Artemis up there, guarding our bed.

Blather: Why we stash beyond what we need or even really want--theories

Also, please donate $1 through PayPal to Nicole's Wheelchair--a contest until January 3rd!!! Details in episode 23 and in the shownotes here for Episode 23. Respond with an amount if you give more than $1. ALL responses with donations of at least $1 get a share in the raffle for some luscious yarny and knitterly/crocheterlike prizes!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Episode 24--Holiday Episode--is Live

What's On My Hook/Needles: As I type this, even the Christmas stocking is finally finished! And that would be Mr. Charlie Crowe, our official CogKNITive musician, in the photo.

A Strategy: How to Apologize

Blather: Update on Life on the Island, including my new part-time gig on another yard

Something I Really Like: The music of Charlie Crowe,
which I use as our CogKNITive theme music. O Holy Night and Joy-Kinda Holiday-ish as performed by Mr. Crowe

Also, please donate $1 through PayPal to Nicole's Wheelchair--a contest until January 3rd!!! Details in this episode and in the shownotes here for Episode 23. Respond with an amount if you give more than $1. ALL responses with donations of at least $1 get a share in the raffle for some luscious yarny and knitterly/crocheterlike prizes!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Episode 23 is Live

What's On My Hook/Needles: Finished the socks, finished the vest, nearly done the stocking, reviving projects in hibernation

A Strategy: Holiday Strategies IV: How to reschedule when you need to let someone down gently and Broken Record

Something I Really Like: The comforts of great literature:
Dante's Inferno
Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Austen's Persuasion
Literary podcasts:
Faery Knitting
Stitches in Time
Forgotten Classics

Blather: Still on the island, possibly with Satan's butt, in the snow!

Also, please donate $1 through PayPal to Nicole's Wheelchair--a contest until January 3rd!!!
2 skeins of that luscious Koigu KPPPM pictured above as a prize!

Please respond here if you give. Respond with an amount if you give more than $1. ALL responses with donations of at least $1 get a share in the raffle for this luscious Koigu!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Episode 22 is Live

What's On My Hook/Needles: Nearly done the socks, nearly done the holiday stocking, nearly dead with a sinus infection!

A Strategy: Holiday Strategies III: Budgeting for and thinking about gifts

Something I Really Like: the music of screen composer John Williams

Blather: Who will be voted off the Island?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yep, I am trapped in the town near the prison by an unexpected 3 days' worth of blizzard. To really torture me, everything melts during the day while I work, then snow descends every evening and is still fierce when I would need to drive in, in the morning. Homesick? Yep! Able to record an episode? No, a little too down. I get homesick pretty easily.

Think kindly of us who are trapped away from home by weather! Thank heavens I have a HUGE number of other podcasts to catch up on! And there's always Starbucks....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Episode 21

What's On My Hook/Needles: I am frantically knitting away on the same projects, but the I Need a Vest is getting close and the gusset picking up looms large upon the knitting horizon. And a tip of the hat to Dawn of Knit Naturally podcast.

A Strategy: Holiday Strategies II: Eating strategies--self-talk and storage containers to avoid "Last Supper Syndrome"

Something I Really Like: Massage, including Reflexology and Dr Wilkinson's Hot Springs and Spa

Blather: How psychologists torment each other over paperwork, and a bit about parole logic

Oops--Unedited Episode 20!

Yep, I uploaded a draft of 20, not the edited version. SO I am currently trying to correct that problem. Please stay tuned and be ready to delete 20, if you've already downloaded it, and then download the corrected (and much easier on the ears!) version. Heavy whipping cream still included.

Okay, go ahead and delete and then redownload, if you wish.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Episode 20 is Live

recordingThe holidays mean it's time for some special strategies, while the blather lightly turns to thoughts of new alliances at work.

And that's the good doctor in her stationary recording studio/knittery

What's On My Hook/Needles:
This segment is dedicated with a big grin to JulieDhc, hostess of Forgotten Classics podcast.

A Strategy: Holiday Strategies I: Establish a schedule for the holidays.

Something I Really Like:
Heavy whipping/double cream. On fresh pumpkin pie or on ginger cake.

Blather: I discover the pleasures of friendship on the job, the unrealistic expectations of some of my team, and I tell the full tale of the escape.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Episode 19 is Live

An escape, a lockdown, and the tedium that follows are all fine reasons to record in my car!

What's On My Hook/Needles:

Hooray! Turning heels and making progress

A Strategy: Rehearsal

Something I Really Like:
Forgotten Classics podcast
CraftLit podcast

Blather: Yup, it really happened today: an escape. And a recapture. The guys in green do know their jobs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Episode 18 is Live

Recorded before Thanksgiving, but I still give thanks in a few places.

What's on My Hook/Needles:
Same old Stuff...just more of it.

A Strategy: Do an Experiment

Something I Really Like: the Harry Potter books and their author, Jo Rowling

Blather: Changes at work and a little Axis 2 for you