Shownotes are at and on our group on Ravelry.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
Episode 20: Shrink on Fire
Comments are welcomed! Either comment here or go to our group on Ravelry.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
Warm Thanks Dept:
Zjuniper, Nattylady, turbogal, and thefatlazyhooker—welcome and welcome back! Thanks for adding your intros on Ravelry!
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
30 minutes per day; running shoes quest—a tale of 2 running stores:
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Episode 19: Winter Springs Forward
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
Warm Thanks Dept:
NonnaSue for the happy message on Ravelry. Welcome to the gang!
Maryellen and Mountain Fiber Arts, Meghan and Anne for a delicious set of coffees! Yum!
Hello, New Kids!
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
30 minutes per day; the Great Hoka Quest
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Episode 18: Roaming and Feral
Comments are welcomed! Either comment here or go to our group on Ravelry.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
LoopyUniter—for the cookie recipe idea
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
The UltimateGuide to Keto Baking
30 minutes per day; sleep project
Something I Really Like:
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Episode 17: Lemmings, Ahoy!
Comments are welcomed! Either comment here or go to our group on Ravelry.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
Warm Thanks Dept:
Tinyshinythings—thanks for the lovely comments regarding the YouTube channel
Knitmore Girls: sending love for borrowing a segment.
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
No spinning action currently, but awaiting my latest Electric Eel Wheel
30 minutes per day; sleep project progress