Gertrude the Ashford Traditional is tuned up and cranking out fresh yarn!
Camp CogKnitive Camarillo will be happening again in August! .Aug 21-23, 2015. WE HAVE SPACES! Info and how to sign up are HERE.
1. Call hotel, tell them you are with us, reserve room.
2. Message me that you are coming and use the DONATE link at www.cogknitivepodcast.blogspot.com to send $75.
CFR 7 is coming! Oct 10. 2015! We do have 1 or 2 more spaces!
More information here!
KNIT 15 BEARS IN 2015!!! Post a group pic of the 15 bears you've made for Mother Bear Project in 2015 by Dec 31, 2015 on our thread to compete for prizes.
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at http://www.cogknitive.com/. You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
I am gemmadw on Twitter and Pinterest, DoeWalking on geocaching.com, and DrGemma on Plurk and Instagram.
What's On My Hooks, Needles, and Spindles:
In progress:
Spiral Socks for the Youngest Knitmore. Yarn by Shaggy Bear Farms in Merino + Tussah Silk.
Square for Love Blanket 2:
Mei Mei Socks--n time out until other projects are done!
The OHM Shawl by Michelle Miller. In time out.
Dizzy Blondes:
Tour de Fleece is on!
A bit about the Ashford Traditional, since I tuned mine (Gertrude) up for this year's tour. My Ashford Joy (Joy) was also tuned up and used.
The starting yarns--finishing bits and pieces already started on the wheels:

Red Fish Dye Works--excellent luxury yarns and fiber blends
Lisa Souza Dyeworks
Sunshine Yarns--Another Weasley:

The second piece of the puzzle with kids is the issue of how much time you can spend with your child. Family events.
Put a Lid On It:
A weekend of salsas:

Jalapeno Salsa plus the kale salad:

Jasmin's Kale Salad recipe. I replace cabbage with the broccoli slaw mix in a bag from Trader Joe's.
Fresh Basil pesto:
All ingredients are to taste:
Handful pine nuts
bunch basil
handful grated parmesan or asiago
olive oil
Put all ingredients except oil into good blender. Add small splash of oil, then blend on low, gradually adding oil to taste. Do NOT puree! Just leave a bit chunky.
Aw Shoot!
The world's worst charity race....
The running season has now officially moved indoors to the elliptical, giving me a chance to get past the plantar fasciitis that had set in to my left leg.
Hot Summer running: Remember:
1. Wear layers to adjust your cooling system. Carry water. Or stash it along your route.
2. Carry ID.
3. Wear reflective clothing. Be seen.
3. Carry water for your running dog or have the dog carry it for himself or herself. At a minimum, water your pal every 3 miles, more as needed.
4. Look for the routes where the breezes blow.
5. Avoid concrete and dark surfaces that are too hot to tolerate as you run.
6. Recognize dehydration and treat it right away.
7. Know when to stop. If you run through a damaging situation, you can lose weeks to months of running. Losing one run to concern may save you from losing much more.
8. Wear polarized sunglasses.
9. Do not hesitate to carry water for yourself, no matter how short a run you take.
RUN SAFE!--always be alert to the fact that you can be attacked.
Something I Really Like:
New lunch gear for packing your own from Old Navy: A sandwich box; reusable plastic utensils in their own carrying box, a yogurt container (with spare compartment for add-ins), an insulated lunch bag, and a plastic bottle with its own snap-in ice stick.
Packing my own meals because my food is better than any local restaurant's food.
Victorio VKP250 Food Strainer and Sauce Maker
Vitamix 5300
a good kitchen thermometer
KitchenAid KSM75WH 4.5-Qt. Classic Plus Stand Mixer--has the wonderful bread hook!!!
The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments
Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker
Our new household King Snake, Spot:

Roxy gets her annual vet evaluation, and our sweet Baron the Newfie bites (clamps onto without breaking the skin) a groomer.
Camp CogKnitive 2015--Aug. 21-23--3 spaces left!
CFR 7 update--Oct 10, 2015--2 spaces available!
The Calendar of Upcoming Events:
August: The gathering at Sunnybank in Patterson, NJ (Aug 13-18) AND
2015 Camp CogKnitive (Aug 21-23)
Oct. 10: CFR7!
Feb. 18, 2016: Fiji once more!
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