The TARDIS Socks' band of stranded knitting...
CogKnitive Holiday Hustle is now over!! Prizes will be distributed...
Camp CogKnitive Camarillo will be happening again in August!.
Northern California Camp Cog has been postponed! Dates TBA!
Philly Camp CogKnitive is still in planning stages--no date yet. Hotel and other suggestions welcome.
DFW TX Camp Cog....I really hope so! I am scared off by the Open Carry Protest groups right now, but we'll see.
CFR 7 is coming! Oct 10. 2015!
More information here!
MOTHER BEAR CAL/KAL starts on Jan. 1, 2015.
Get the pattern right here for $5 and warm up those hooks/needles!
Celebrating our listeners who have joined the CogKnitive 25 – , 50 –, and 75 – Bear Clubs for MBP. You can see who they all are right here. Great work!
Have YOU completed 25, 50, or 75 bears for Mother Bear Project? Send me your snail and a link to your Ravelry projects page, and CogKnitive will send you a special wristband to celebrate with you.
KNIT 15 BEARS IN 2015!!! Post a group pic of the 15 bears you've made for Mother Bear Project in 2015 by Dec 31, 2015 on our thread to compete for prizes. FIRST PIC of a group--crafter gets to select a color for wristbands. if we get 20 people making the 15 bears, I WILL make up wristbands!
Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
We have a website at http://www.cogknitive.com/. You can find older episodes there.
You can now subscribe to the BLOG on your Kindle or Kindle app.
I am gemmadw on Twitter and Pinterest, DoeWalking on geocaching.com, and DrGemma on Plurk.
Geocaching: www.geocaching.com. I am DoeWalking, if you would like to be geo-pals. I am also drgemma on Instagram.
What's On My Hooks, Needles, and Spindles:
Pink Waffle Socks--yarn is Cotton Candy Clouds in Sock yarn from Oink Pigments.

In Progress:
2-At-A-Time Socks for Twinface.
TARDIS Sock Tribute
The OHM Shawl by Michelle Miller. It bit me. In time out.
15 Bears in 15 for Mother Bear!
Sign up on the thread to join this CAL/KAL. Post a pic of your group of 15 bears on the thread to compete for prizes.
CAL/KAL ends on Dec. 31, 2015!
Mother Bear CAL/KAL is well underweigh! Bears eligible include bears made after March 1, 2014 and up until March 1, 2015! Post your pics to the thread, even if you have already entered them in another CAL/KAL/competition!
Dizzy Blondes:
Nothing here this week. Nope. No spinning...
Pondering the sales of wheels.
The 4 questions of Mindfulness:
1. Do I have enough to eat today?
2. Do I have clothing that covers me warmly and sufficiently?
3. Do I have a safe place to sleep tonight?
4. Do I have people who love and and care about me?
When you are anxious or sad, ask yourself these questions to bring yourself back to today.
Put a Lid On It:
Shepherd's Pie:
meat, leftover or not. Brown ground beef first
Leftover stuffing/dressing from holiday bird
Mashed potatoes leftover
leftover veggies.
gravy or meat broth
grated or shredded cheese
Preheat oven to 350-400F
Use stuffing to line pie pan as bottom crust and sides.
Fill with meat, veggies, and gravy. Top crust is made from mashed potatoes. Cook for about an hour. Put cheese on top.
One holiday bird makes stock (add spices and bay leaf to bones I slow cooker), and then soup. Shepherd's Pie, and the actual holiday meal.
Still enjoying last summer's cherry harvest. Pickled my beloved lemons and made my well-loved bread'n'butter pickles.I preferto use Persian cukes for my sweet pickles.
Aw Shoot!
I'm pretty much treading water on weight loss and exercise--no gains, but steadily maintaining. Dreams of trail running on REAL trails. Safety first--don't be out there alone, wear ID (I like RoadID), and pick the best shoes for stability.
Something I Really Like:
Trader Joe's food stores. More on what I am doing with my Pebble watch. Flex-o-mania!
The Calendar for 2015:
North Carolina: dates unknown so far
Feb 20-March 1: Fiji!
April: Northern CA Knitter's Retreat
May-Jun: Retzlaff Winery Spinning Day
August: The gathering at Sunnybank in Patterson, NJ AND 2015 Camp CogKnitive
Oct. 10: CFR7!

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