And another are the finished socks in the Premuim Bamboo Wool..
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What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle: YES! I am FINISHED the 2nd of my bamboo-blend socks . On to the BTS#3 and my languishing Daybreak Shawl. Oh, um...did I mention that I am getting sucked in by the lace craze? (sigh) Here's my start on the Ishbel Shawl in Misti Alpaca Baby Alpaca handpainted laceweight. And then there's this top-down sweater I want to knit...
Dizzy Blonde: I miss Aeventid dreadfully....
Strategy: Coping with the Aging/Ill Parent when You are an Adult--Part One: Looking back and a plea for your patience as I try to help.
Something I Really Like: Blog2Print and SharedBook
Blather: If you build it, they will come...or they will knit for me? Escape from the Ad/Seg? And PLEASE go check out Bijouxmaster's charity KAL/CAL here. You can make a chemo cap for a kid, right?
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