A toast to a great day with lots of friends!
Rehash, via the usual segements, of the First CogKNITive Fiber Retreat.
The photo album is here.
StacyW's amazing slide show is here.
Download the show from Itunes as "CogKNITive Podcast" or from http://drgemma.libsyn.com. Older episodes are on Itunes under "CogKNITive".
Dr. Gemma,
I just listened to your podcast. I don't think that it is narcisstic to look at the vendors and be proud or feel good about the fiber treat. Afterall, this was your dream and you made it come to life. And you realized that you did not do it alone. I believe that you are allowed a few moments, even a hour, of feeling good about that accomplishment. And not being considered narcisstic. Also, reading the twitter and thinking maybe Gigi and Jasmyn are coming is not narcissism. It is wishful thinking and hopeful. I'm not a psychologist but neither are you narcisstic. If you were, your podcast would be very boring. :)
Thanks for a very kind response!
definitely agree on the lack of narcissism in the psyche of Dr Gemma!
sounds like a fab time was had by all- here's to your next shindig!
Suse--Come join us next year!
I would love to listen to your podcasts. I have heard that they are very good. However, in spite of considerable efforts and some whining, I can't. The email feed results in nothing. There is no current RSS feed (it stopped in March). I don't own an iPOD[I think it is still legal not to own one] and there's no direct link from the blog to the 'cast. Is there any place where these podcasts lurk that I can actually listen to them? As downloadable mp3 files? Please?
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