Join Team CogSPINtive for the 2009 Tour de Fleece!
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What's On My Hook/Needles/Spindle: I am spinning away for the Tour de Fleece! Bamboo, Calistoga Calypso from Royale Hare, and a ton of plying and experimenting. No crocheting right now, but I am considering an open, lacy scarf of some type. Knitting: I continue with the 2nd sock from the Cascade Heritage Paints, a Branching Out Scarf for the Lace Throwdown project running between Jasmine and Meghan, and the Eliina Shawl.
Strategy: Another break--learning to be the adult child of your parents.
Something I Really Like: Wormwood, a podcast serial.
Blather: Let them eat soup! The Gov cuts our salaries again, the prison staff gets stressed, but, on the whole, hey, we still have each other, right?
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