Promo! Knitmore Girls podcast
Thank you! To Straphanging for the iTunes review. You rock!
What's On My Hook/Needle: Really, you tell me...
A Strategy: Use your Holidays! And how my family members like to drop dead on significant dates.
Something I Really Like: Mmmmmmm...Autumn....
Blather: Strange Tales of Life After Life from My Caseload
I love Halloween. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
I feel no affinity for the season of my actual birth (save perhaps for the fact that I love wind), but I love Autumn, which is of course when I choose to celebrate my b-day instead. So, what do you think? Chicken, or egg?
(p.s. more comments posted in my LJ, because they revolve around me)
I sobbed. Seriously. Dr. Gemma, that story about the grandma just set something off in me. We never really are far away from those who go before, eh?
As for holidays, I've never really been into them. I only use them to sleep in...but kaleidoscopeeyes will probably help birth an interest in at least Halloween. Anyway, thank you for your inspiration, and I look forward to the next 'cast :)
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