Friday, October 31, 2008

Epsiode 10A--Outtakes, News, and Thank-You's

Yes, the spelling error above WAS left in here intentionally! It rather represents the spirit of this episode-lette.

A short, non-standard-format episode to give some updates, some thanks to various kind peoples, and play a few outtakes.

Short, short, SHORT! But it needed doing. Warm hugs all around, and stay tuned--Episode 11 is recorded and edited and soon-to-be live.

Episode Ten is live! Happy Halloween!

Segments include:

Promo! Knitmore Girls podcast

Thank you! To Straphanging for the iTunes review. You rock!

What's On My Hook/Needle: Really, you tell me...

A Strategy: Use your Holidays! And how my family members like to drop dead on significant dates.

Something I Really Like: Mmmmmmm...Autumn....

Blather: Strange Tales of Life After Life from My Caseload

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

At Last! And Episode 10 is awaiting editing


The Scales Scarf is done! And the picture barely does it justice--it's GORGEOUS!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Episode 9 is Live!

A Calm Day and a Cheerful Podcast

Promo: Stitch It!

What's On My Needles/Hook: And a good book, while I'm at it--The Sweater Workshop by Jacqueline Fee

A Strategy: Secret Weapons

Something I Really Like: Hand-Knitted Socks (like those on the left!)

Blather: About the New Boss

Friday, October 24, 2008

Episode Eight is Live...

...and I feel half-dead....

Lots of Editing + a promo for Knit Spirit podcast

What's on My Needles:
Do you have to ask? Really?

A Strategy: Meditation

Something I Really Like: Knitmore Girls podcast

Blather: In which I discuss why so many people hate my sole female colleague and who becomes a CO

Episode Eight is halfway there!

It will be More of the Usual; however, KaleidoscopEyez and the Intrepid Stashymama have both graciously agreed to interviews, and we may even lure Casdena in to tell us about NaNoWriMo, if we are lucky.

Episode Seven

The Miracle of Editing Saves the Day!

What's on My Needles, in which I swear in a ladylike fashion at the Endless Modular Scarf from Hades

A Strategy: Making Lists

Something I Really Like: Starbucks. No, seriously...

Blather: Rock My World at Work! In which I do the Gurly to keep an inmate alive...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Episode Six is Up!

Road noise optional--the highly-edited version of Episode Six is up!

What's On My Hook/Needles: Actually the 3rd sampler square (#2 in the book) is done at last and off my stix

A Strategy: Distraction

Something I Really Like: It's a Purl Man podcast

Blather: KaleidoscopEyez Meets Scissors and New Games I am Playing

Monday, October 20, 2008

Episode Five

Back to the car!

Shownotes and Blog for this podcast can be found at:

Come join the madness at my blogspot account! Be a follower! Subscribe by email or to the feed!

What's on My Hook/Needles: The End is in Sight! (The end of the third square--officially Sq. #2--of the afghan. That's Sq #3, which I knit before the current square, in the photo at left.)

A Strategy: Thought Stopping

Something I Really Like: Agave Sweetener

Blather: Ricardo Sanchez and Being Cynical about the Prison World

Episode Four

Welcome back!


What's on My Needles/Hook (That's the FIRST square of the Leisure Arts afghan at the left)

A Strategy: Baby Steps

Something I Really Like:

Blather: the Cast of Characters at My Job

Episode Six is in Editing Stage

...and Episode Seven is partially recorded.

Thanks for the last-minute picnic meal yesterday, Fellow Fiberistas and Fibermen!

(Can we shorten those titles to just "Fibroids"? Nah, too much bad taste!)

Keep spinning, KaleidoscopEyez!

Episode Three

Episode Three:

Happy October! Complete with highway noises...

1. What's on my Hook/needles (Scales of the Blue Dragon Scarf...aka Modular Scarf for Her at left)

2. A Strategy: Breathing 101

3. Something I Really Like: Digital Recorder

4. Blather: No, I'm not terribly endangered, since you ask...Thanks for listening!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

How to Get This Podcast

You can now subscribe to CogKNITive via Itunes, as well as through also has a simple player you can use to listen to each episode.

Episode Two

Episode Two:

What's On My Needles (The item to the left is my crocheted belt pouch baggie as described in Episode One.)

A Strategy: Self-Talking

Something I Really Like: Stitch-It! Podcast.


Episode One

Episode One:

What's on My Hook/Needles (That's the scraps log cabin I'm crocheting over there on the left)

Strategy: Benefits of Knitting/Crochet

Something I Like: Mason-Dixon Knitting.

Blather: Psychiatrist v. Psychologist, Why cocktail parties can make me lie about my job

CogKNITive Promo

Here's the promo for my new podcast CogKNITive, a knitting psychology podcast:

Please feel free to link to this on your blog or play it as part of your own podcast.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


This is now the blog for my podcast CogKNITive. Sorry I could not use simply the podcast title in the URL here, but someone else has this word as a handle both here and on Live Journal.

I will begin the process of switching shownotes over here asap. In the meantime, the podcast is now on Itunes, as well as on

5 episodes, a promo, and more to come.