Comments are welcomed! Either comment here or go to our group on Ravelry.Add yourself to our CogKNITive Listeners Map.
I have a YouTube channel "Doctor Gemma". Flash tips (1 minute or less) around surviving the pandemic and longer strategy discussions.
Buy Dr Gemma a Ko-Fi, if you're enjoying the podcast and feeling up to it. Remember that I am still working, though, so feel free to give the money to a charity instead.
There will NOT be a CFR (Cogknitive Fiber Retreat) this year.
I will NOT add you to any of my follower groups currently, due to robo-accounts. Please follow me here. You can contact me through our group on Ravelry or on this blog.
Warm Thanks Dept:
Gayle—knit knit knit knit knit! Very sweet!
Alane—too many thoughts to address here, but I appreciate the comment. The Potterheads have struggled to decide.
Cureuskitte—I am SO glad to have helped! Panic is terrifying.
Shirlee L.: What an amazing tribute to the CFR in Tehachapi, "a gem of what could and should be for the fiber friendship world".
Vaccinated in California? Get your electronic COVID card 😷! thanks, Betty HS!
NOTE: It updates automatically to include your booster shot.
What's On My Hooks and Needles:
Blocked the Wild Lettuce Shawl:
In Progress:
Twinface’s vest -- 3rd time was a charm, and on to the second armhole's ribbing
Noro Hearts Scarf--on hold for a few other priorities
Making a few sweater kits up for my next project for me.
I’m currently wearing...
It’s in the 70s here, so I’m wearing shorts!
My Two Favorite Resources:
Dizzy Blondes:
3rd bobbin (sigh), but no progress
Panic attacks and passing out--you won't in the majority of cases, per David Burns MD
Put a Lid On It:
Fitdesk mileage:
Rock climbing:
Twice and topping out on the 5.6s in one session!
Fluffy Books:
by Steve Hockernsmith and Lisa Falcon
By Heron Carvic
By Ruth Downie
Something I Really Like:
White vinegar and natural cleaning agents (H2O2 and baking soda)
Pupdate--E and B and C, neutering
Whiplash resolved
Classes, glorious classes
And Minerva gets the last word: