I call it "yarn"--my first hand spinning.
A Strategy: Managing the Winter Blues: Use cheerful, upbeat music to raise your mood
Something I Really Like: The movie Wall*E
Blather: Voted off the island!
Download the show from Itunes as "CogKNITive Podcast" or from http://drgemma.libsyn.com. Older episodes are on Itunes under "CogKNITive".
I call it "yarn"--my first hand spinning.
Something I Really Like: The movie Wall*E
Blather: Voted off the island!
Something I Really Like: I owe it all to the kindness of strangers--Itunes reviews and Internet-based feedback
Blather: Negative Itunes Review and Transference/Countertransference
Something I Really Like: Reverting to the medieval wardrobe staple that is the leather carrying belt.
Blather: Negative Itunes Review and Client/Patient Definitions
Something I Really Like: Aging Into Mood Swings
Blather: Here, There, and Everywhere--but at least Nelson is back!